Great time enjoyed by all at Sunday School Picnic

We had a great turn out on the Sunday School Picnic on Saturday, September 17th at Robinwood.  There was plenty of food, fellowship, and fun!  Kids enjoyed fishing, paddleboats, and even a little go-carting!  Thanks to all those who made this successful.  We hope to see you in Sunday school real soon.

Children enjoy a great outing at D&D Barnyard in Sontag, MS

On Wednesday, September 14th, the children went on a trip to D&D Barnyard.  We took 17 children (ranging in age from 4 weeks to 12) and 7 adults (we will not mention ages) and they got to chase the chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, goats, peacocks, cows, and other animals all around the barnyard!  Oh it was so funny!  I know everyone had a blast holding the animals and riding on the pony and goat.  Of course, I never saw anyone last 8 seconds on the goat!  I would have to say the goat won this time!  We want to say a special thanks to the Eubanks for allowing us to visit their barnyard and allowing us to share in their ministry.  They are special people!  God Bless!

Congratulations Faron Lee Russell-Jones

On August 27th, 2011, Faron Russell and Andrew Jones were married in Pigeon Forge, TN.  Faron is the daughter of Tony and Jan Russell.  Faron was born and raised throughout her life in our church!  We are so excited for her a life full of blessings in God’s glory!

Welcome Noah Samual Lanigan

On August 20, 2011, Bro. Peter and Mrs. Katie Lanigan welcomed into the world baby Noah Samual Lanigan.  He was 8 lbs. 6 ozs.  He is welcomed home by his big sister Ella!  We are so excited for the Lanigan's and what God is doing in their ministry. 

Tables Purchased

We have purchased 25 new 6' Tables for the church.  They were setup for the first time for Homecoming!  We are sill needing to purchase 15 more 8' Tables, and we are asking for donations to help with this project.  If you donate $50 or more, you can take one of the old tables home with you!

Welcome Bro. Peter, Katie, and Ella

Welcome to our church and to Monticello, MS!  We look forward to the great things that God has in store for us, and we look forward to having your family as part of our family!  May God Bless you and if you need anything, just let us know!  Just like this website!  :)